Mican Philodendron

They will grow in 100 percent sphagnum peat moss. Mican philodendron 6 live plant Plants4Love805 5 out of 5 stars 1103 2999.

How Do I Take Care Of My Anthurium

Anthurium usually need to be re-pot every couple of years. Perhaps the most common anthurium care mistake is overwatering.

Does Fiddle Leaf Fig Produce Fruit

They are not sweet like the typical figs we consume and are said to range from bland to a bit tart and have an unpleasant mouth-drying effec...

Princess Pink Philodendron

The leaves can grow up to 8. The heart-shaped leaves are dark purplish-green with contrasting pink variegation and can reach up to 8 long an...

How To Water Juniper Bonsai

Why is my juniper bonsai Brown. Water the plant until the excess runs from the drainage holes then wait a few minutes for the water to be ab...

Pothos Yellow

One of the most prevalent types is Pythium root rot and its caused by oomycetes or water molds in the Pythium genus that thrive in overly mo...

Water Propagating Monstera

Complete instructions Pattymac Makes. Propagating Monstera Cuttings In Water.

Philodendron Brasil Plant

It has soil and temperature conditions that it thrives in but even when things are not perfect it is going to grow well and can even jump ba...

Mini Monstera Care

If you keep your mini Monstera inside where conditions are dryer Jones has a few creative solutions to expose your plant to moisture. Your M...

Do Monstera Climb

An ideal way to train monstera as a house plant is to give it a moss totem on which to climbThese can be purchased at garden centers or you ...