When a plant gets Leaf Spot Disease the attacking fungus or bacteria leave small brown spots trimmed in yellow where it is feeding on the leaves. When the plant doesnt have enough access to moisture in the root zone a condition occurs that affects Ficus lyratas newest growth.
Brown Spots On Fiddle Leaf Fig Leaves Due To Dryness And Sunburn Fiddle Leaf Fig Fig Plant Fig Leaves Source: www.pinterest.com
These spots may vary in shape color and size.

Black spots on fiddle leaf fig leaves. However these spots can be due to different reasons. Fiddle Leaf Fig Edema is the abnormal retention of water in the cells of the plant which burst and cause the tiny red spots which later turn to brown. With root rot the leaves will typically remain dark green with brown spots but with bacterial leaf spot the leaf will turn yellow as the brown spot spreads.
These dead cells appear as the red spots in the leaves. Overwatered Fiddles will also show a general browning with tiny dark spots or shady areas that can spread quickly from one leaf to another over the course of a week. Black spots on fiddle leaf fig.
A fiddle leaf fig with brown spots on the leaves and the dropping of older leaves may. Apart from brown to black lesions on the leaves bacterial infections in fiddle leaf figs can also cause the leaves to turn yellow and leave the plant to appear as though it is dying. Then I started watering it and now it has black spots on the leaves.
The dark spots on the leaves are these dead cells. If youre seeing black spots on your fiddle leaf figs leaves as well as possible brown spotting and leaf loss that might be a sign youve been watering the plant too much. But this is a clue that you may need to dial in your watering routine.
If you see black or brown spots on your plant and its dropping leaves take a look at your drainage and lighting situation immediately. Small brown or black spots on the leaves starting from the older leaves are a possible result of overwatering and poor drainage. Brown spots on fiddle leaf fig leaves are a common issue for houseplant enthusiasts to run into as are black spots leaf loss and droopinessLets go into some of the common problems with fiddle leaf figs their causes and what you can do to solve them and make sure it doesnt happen againHouseplants in general dont like being movedThey might shed.
Fiddle Leaf Fig Root Rot. Insect damage in a fiddle leaf fig plant is thankfully less common. The telltale sign of bacterial leaf spot in your Fiddle Leaf Fig is yellowing of the leaves in addition to the brown spots.
They may start at the base of the leaf near the stem more likely for fungal root rot or near the edges of the leaf. Lack of sunlight makes these conditions. Too large of a container the wrong soil and too much water can lead to root rot in a fiddle leaf fig.
These spots appear when the plants roots have taken in more water than the plant can handle. This happens more commonly in the new tender growth. Symptoms vary by plant but as the malady progresses areas of the leaf turn yellow brown brown with reddish overtones or even black with older damage appearing as corky scaly ridged patches or wartgall-like bumpy growth.
Reddish brown spots are created on the bottom sides of the leaves that show through the leaf. Too large of a container the wrong soil and too much water can lead to root rot in a fiddle leaf fig. As discussed in the section on brown leaf spots overwatering your fiddle leaf fig can cause root rot.
If you see black or brown spots on your plant and its dropping leaves take a look at your drainage and lighting situation immediately. The most common reason is the fungal attack on roots which affects the foliage. Fiddle leaf fig brown spotsBrown spots on fiddle leaf fig leaves are unfortunately pretty common.
Are leaves falling off your fiddle leaf fig. Black Spots Caused By Pest Attack Pest attack is usually reddish or black if you find your fiddle fig leafs brown spot turning into tiny holes. Subsequently one may also ask how do you know when a fiddle leaf fig is dying.
Address Light and Drainage. Fiddle leaf fig leaves turning brown is a common issue. As with all other fungal and bacterial diseases better air circulation well-drained soil dry leaves and less water help control Leaf Spot Disease.
It all seems very sinister but these are common symptoms for an unhappy fiddle leaf fig. The spots become crispy and there is hardly any chance of recovery for such leaves. The giveaway to diagnose insect damage is small dark spots that damage the plant leaves that turn into holes in the leaves.
As mentioned at the start of this article no houseplant likes to be moved and fiddle leaf figs are particularly fussy. I keep letting the soil dry completely before watering again and its definitely nowhere near soggy. These spots can appear as medium brown to dark brown or black.
Address Light and Drainage. This happens when youre overwatering your plants and evaporation and transpiration arent keeping up with dispersing the excess moisture. Or can you see brown spots taking over eventually causing the leaf to curl turn black and drop.
You can inspect your plant with a magnifying glass to find them. If you notice little red brown or purple spots on your new fiddle leaf fig leaves its probably edema which is caused by inconsistent watering. Fiddle leaf fig leaves turning yellow.
A telltale sign of too much water andor root rot in Fiddle Leaf Figs is brown spots near the center of the leaves as well as around the edges. I bought a new fiddle leaf fig a couple of months ago. Overwatering brown spots are very dark almost black and murky looking.
See what may be causing it below. Brown spots on fiddle leaf fig leaves are a common issue for houseplant enthusiasts to run into as are black spots leaf loss and droopiness. Fiddle Leaf Figs need evenly moist soil through the Growing SeasonMarch-September.
The spots should fade as the leaves grow so dont be too alarmed. Lack of sunlight makes these conditions worse. The spots can start from yellow or white and turn to dark reddish-brown depending upon the sunburns intensity.
This causes cells in the leaves to burst. This leads to pressure building up in the leaves until their cells burst. When the brown spots on your fiddle tree fig are caused by pests it is common that you find insects or these pests on your plant.
Edema is characterized by a dappling of small red or brown spots that appear on the leaves of Fiddle Leaf Fig plants. Brown Spots on Fiddle Leaf Fig Leaves From Insect Damage. Edema on a fiddle leaf fig leaf.
When a fiddle leaf fig plant is watered too much the roots end up absorbing more water than the leaves are able to transpire. Dark water-soaked spots on. We were out of town for a month and I assumed it would be dead but when we got back it looked beautiful.
This means the spot may appear in the middle of a leaf near the edge or towards the stem. If you notice the leaves of your fiddle leaf fig have started showing little brown spots which means that you have a sunburnt fiddle leaf fig. Fiddle Leaf Fig brown spots caused by overwatering can start at any place on a leaf.
When root rot sets in your fiddle leaf fig may start with small brown spots on its leaves.
Click To Read What Brown Spots On Fiddle Leaf Fig Leaves Mean Root Rot In Fiddle Leaf Figs Fiddle Leaf Fig Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree Fig Leaves Source: www.pinterest.com
Red Or Brown Spots On Fiddle Leaf Fig New Growth Fiddle Leaf Fig Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree Fiddle Leaf Source: www.pinterest.com
Brown Spots On Fiddle Leaf Fig Due To Root Rot Fiddle Leaf Fig Care Fiddle Fig Tree Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree Source: www.pinterest.com
Pin On Plants Source: www.pinterest.com
Do Your Fiddle Leaf Fig Leaves Have Holes Click To Learn Why This Happens And What You Can Do With Holes In Your Fiddle Fiddle Leaf Fig Fiddle Leaf Fig Leaves Source: www.pinterest.com
Bacterial Brown Spot Fiddle Leaf Fig New Growth Fiddle Leaf Fig Fiddle Leaf Fig Care Fiddle Leaf Source: www.pinterest.com